Mammoth King


Mammoth King


Mammoth Ivory


One of the best stylizations of the Great Woolly Mammoth, which roamed the world thousands of years ago. The original idea of this ivory carving belongs to good friend and teacher, Alexander Kornev who designed entire “Ice Age” chess set where similar figurine was the King. This work was done using the highest grade ivory.

The words of the client who commissioned this work:

Dear Mr. Soyfer,…
…… Now, I want thank you myself for allowing me to purchase such a gorgeous work of art from you. It is indeed beautiful and even now I consider myself fortunate to own such a wonderful work. I very much admire such craftsmanship and skill that it takes to do this…..I simply cannot say enough about it.
…….Again, it’s not very often I would be able to thank an artist, almost in person, for creating a work of art for me, but now,
I am pleased to say thank you so very much for doing that magnificent carving for me.
My kindest regards and thanks,
– Dan